Current Honored Members of ILCS
For your significant contributions to liquid crystals dedicated to the decoration of the director field at nematic/air interfaces, Rayleigh-Bénard instability in nematics, nematodynamics, shear flow effects in SmC*, colloidal crystals, and seminal and crucial work on blue phases, anchoring transitions, lyotropic liquid crystals, cellulosic filaments, generation of umbilics by magnets and flows, captive disclinations and the dowser texture.
For his groundbreaking experimental and theoretical contributions to the fundamental science and applications of liquid crystals, particularly their ferroelectric, flexoelectric, topological defects, and chiral properties.
For his outstanding achievement in research in the field of liquid crystals and continued community services to the international liquid crystal society.
For your pioneering contributions to the science and applications of liquid crystals including ferroelectric smectics, mesophases of bent-core molecules, detection of second sound in smectics, free-standing films of smectics and strands and discotic phases, complex defects in liquid crystals, and liquid crystal properties of DNA.
For your leadership in fundamental and applied liquid crystal research, especially your use of solid state NMR, spearheading the development of liquid crystal polymer dispersions and, more recently, the application of the cholesteric phase in displays.
For your long and sustained leadership in the field of chiral liquid crystals that resulted in the discovery of antiferroelectric liquid crystals and the elucidation of their physical properties including the possibility of thresholdless switching and the appearance of dispirations.
For his creative and prolific contributions to liquid crystal science, and his tireless efforts on behalf of the international liquid crystal community, including service as the International Liquid Crystal Society's chief executive.
For your seminal and most original contributions that have launched many important fields in liquid crystal sciences, technologies and beyond, including electroconvection, permeation, the twisted nematic display, defect unbinding, entropic repulsion force and red blood cell shapes.
For your outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of liquid-crystal displays, especially defect-free panels featuring high legibility.
For your groundbreaking contributions to the understanding and applications of para-, ferro- and antiferroelectricity in chiral smectic liquid crystals and for your important contributions to the ILCS including the establishment of Glenn Brown Prizes.
For your groundbreaking contributions to the understanding and applications of para-, ferro- and antiferroelectricity in chiral smectic liquid crystals and for your important contributions to the ILCS including the establishment of Glenn Brown Prizes.
For your pioneering studies of the molecular physics of liquid crystals, your conception and foundation of the journal, Liquid Crystals, and for your outstanding achievements during your Presidency of the International Liquid Crystal Society.
For his remarkable creation of a host of new liquid crystal subfields, including the discovery of antiferroelectricity and spontaneous polar ordering in achiral bent-core liquid crystals.
For his over four decades of pioneering and prolific contributions to the scientific community of soft condensed matter as one of the founding fathers of the physics of liquid crystals. As a dedicated and prolific educator, he established one of the most competitive research groups in the field of liquid crystal theory, and produced numerous academic talents that are currently leading the field. He has served the ILCS in a variety of capacities including the Presidency. His reputation is indisputable and it should be a great honor for the society to have him as a new honored member. Liquid Crystal Pioneers Sadly no Longer with Us
For your contributions to the International Liquid Crystal Society, and for your studies of the physics of liquid crystalline phases, most notably for research into the phenomena of reentrancy, blue phases and banana phases.
For your discovery and elucidation of the structure and physical properties of discotic liquid crystals.
For your deep understanding of the physical behavior of liquid crystals which was responsible for their introduction into the world of physics.
For your design and synthesis of liquid crystalline materials, and the development of structure property correlations that led ultimately to the invention of materials that created the liquid crystal flat panel display industry.
For your pioneering development of fundamental theories and experimental studies of liquid crystals that have contributed significantly to the foundation of our subject.
For your seminal derivation of the hydrodynamic equations for uniaxial nematic liquid crystals.
For your many contributions to the fundamental understanding of structure-property relationships in both thermotropic and lyotropic cholesteric phases and for your exceptional work over the years for Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals in which so many conference proceedings have been published.
For your fundamental contributions to bridge the gap between macromolecular chemistry, life sciences and the liquid crystalline state of matter. |