Featured Liquid Crystal Picture Art of the Month

August 2024

©Ashley Zelina

Rainbow Ring

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The image was captured while Ashley was studying disodium chromoglycate tactoids. The solution was transitioning from the isotropic/nematic region (where the tactoids form) to the isotropic region, and they just so happened to form this beautiful ring!


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Ashley Zelina is currently an undergraduate student at Kent State University working in Dr. Torsten Hegmann's lab. She is a physics major with a chemistry minor, so she is very glad she was lucky enough to be introduced to liquid crystals as early in her education as she was, since they're such a perfect blend of the two fields!

Contact email: azelina1(at)kent.edu

Research group website: https://www.personal.kent.edu/~thegmann/Welcome.html

Jury comment

The vibrant combination of colours, striking contrasts, and intricate shapes beautifully captures the aesthetic appeal of liquid crystal science, bringing scientific discovery and artistic expression together.
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Please note: All pictures are copyright of the artists themselves! If you would like to use the pictures in any context, you must ask permission of the artists directly.