Greta Babakhanova featured ILCS liquid crystal artist, May 2020

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Greta Babakhanova is a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow working with her advisor, Dr. Carl G. Simon Jr., in the Biomaterials and Biosystems Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. She completed her PhD in Chemical Physics from the Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University in 2019. Her dissertation research was performed in the lab of Dr. Oleg D. Lavrentovich, where Greta worked on characterizing twist-bend nematic liquid crystals using electro- and magneto-optical methods as well as electron microscopy techniques. She also developed stimuli-responsive elastomer coatings with pre-determined surface topographies and used LC-based coatings to align biological cells. Her current objective is to develop robust, nondestructive, in situ, label-free methods for assessing cell viability in 3D tissue-engineered scaffolds.
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The edge of the LC wedge cell showing beautiful impurities mimicking the arrival of the spring. Scale value 100 𝜇m.
Jury comment: I find it very well observed and the combination of detailed observation of defect textures and artistic sensibility is very nice.