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Conference: The science of defects: a tribute to the physicist Maurice Kleman

05/09/2024 12:55 PM | Deleted user

Dear colleagues and friends,

On October 10, 2024, we will organize a scientific day in honor of Maurice Kleman (1934-2021).

This meeting, entitled "The science of defects: a tribute to the physicist Maurice Kleman", will illustrate the richness of Maurice Kléman's scientific contributions through high-level scientific presentations.

The event will take place in Paris at the IPGG Amphitheater (6, rue Jean Calvin, 75005).

A website with the detailed program of the day and the possibility to register for this event is now online:

There is no registration fee, but registration is required.

We hope you will be able to join us for this event.

With best regards.

The Organizing Committee: C. Blanc, E. Lacaze, C. Quilliet, E. Raphaël and F. Sorrentino.