Announcement of online conference

The "2nd International Online Conference on Crystals” will be held between 10-20. November 2020. Please have a look at further details at:

There are 9 sessions in total, including a session on liquid crystals:
Liquid Crystals (chair: Prof. Charles Rosenblatt) Crystalline Materials (chair: Prof. Dr. Robert F. Klie) Crystal Engineering (chair: Prof. Dr. Reshef Tenne) Biomolecular Crystals (chair: Dr. Rocco Caliandro) Crystalline Minerals and Biominerals (chair: Dr. Michele Iafisco) Phase Transformations in Crystalline Materials (chair: Dr. Cyril Cayron) Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering Applied to Nano- and Biomaterials
(chair: Dr. Teresa Sibillano) Software/Tools to Deal with Crystal and Crystallographic Issues & Teaching Crystallography (chair: Dr. Anna Moliterni) Structure of Cholinesterases (chair: Prof. Zoran Radić)

I am sure some of these topics will be of interest to a number of our members.