Glenn Brown Prize

Glenn H. Brown Prizes were established to advance and disseminate knowledge of liquid crystal states of matter by encouraging effective written and oral presentations of doctoral research results. Theses on theoretical, experimental and/or applied work on thermotropic, polymeric and/or lyotropic liquid crystal systems will be considered.


  • Eligible nominees for the biennial Glenn H. Brown Prizes must have published their dissertation work in the field of liquid crystals during the two calendar years preceding the ILCC at which the Awards will be presented. Theses eligible for consideration for the 2024 ILCC must have been published in 2022 or 2023.
  • Eligible theses must demonstrate an outstanding contribution to the science of liquid crystals. Nominees for Glenn H. Brown Prizes need not be members of the ILCS.
  • For the case of nominated theses not written in English, please consult the instructions for Submission of theses not in English for the Glenn Brown Award.

The Prize

  • Each Glenn H. Brown prize carries a financial award set at $1,000 US (subject to change).
  • The Board will revise the amount of the award from time to time.
  • Each awardee is invited to present a 20 minute talk in a Special Awards Session at the ILCC at which the Prizes are to be given, and to write a short article describing their work for the Society’s newsletter (Liquid Crystals Today).
  • The maximum number of Glenn H. Brown Prizes given at an ILCC will be four.
  • The prize winners’ ILCC registration fees will be waived, and they will be invited to attend the ILCC Awards Dinner.
  • All awardees will receive a framed certificate from the Society with a citation of their achievements.

Nomination Procedures

  • Nominations should reach the Society no later than the 15th of March the year of the ILCC at which the prizes are to be given.
  • Required submission materials for Glenn H. Brown Prize Nominations include a completed on-line Submission Form, including the following items:
  1. An extended English summary of the thesis' outstanding features (at most 3 pages);
  2. The full thesis as a pdf file;
  3. A letter of nomination (at most 5 pages);
  4. Seconds for the nomination (at most 3);
  5. A short curriculum vitae including publications/patents.

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