On the right there is the graphical overview of the ILCS event calendar, which aims to overview all upcoming events that may be of interest to liquid crystal researchers, around the world. You are encouraged to inform us about additional events that you believe should be included here.
You can subscribe to the ILCS event calendar by enter the following in your ICAL-compatible calendar program:
The list view of the calendar you can find that on the Event List subpage.
If you know liquid crystal-related events, which are not in our calendar, you are encouraged to announce them by filling Event Submission section.
You can subscribe to the ILCS event calendar by enter the following in your ICAL-compatible calendar program:
The list view of the calendar you can find that on the Event List subpage.
If you know liquid crystal-related events, which are not in our calendar, you are encouraged to announce them by filling Event Submission section.
Click on an event and you will see a pop-up window with more information. The "Add to calendar" will just take you to the Google calendar window, but below the horizontal divider line you will find a text "Event web site" which is linked to the web site of the event (provided that one exists). Click on this and the web site will open in a new tab.